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В американській Міннесоті проголосили 24 серпня 2016 року Днем Незалежності України

Можливо хтось ще не чув? Цікава та приємна новина ! ☺
Губернатор Марк Дейтон офіційно проголосив 24 серпня 2016 року Днем Незалежності України у штаті Міннесота. Про це йдеться у спеціальній прокламації, передає "Голос Америки".
У документі йдеться, що "винахідливий дух, багата культура та спадщина, віддана робота українсько-американських громадян принесли надзвичайну користь штату Міннесота та Сполученим Штатам Америки".


Звіт про роботу мовного загону

Ось і закінчились сповнені турбот і галасу дні відпочинку та розваг у пришкільних літніх таборах. Багато цікавого і корисного було протягом зміни.
Цьогоріч табір в нас був не зовсім звичайний - вперше в ньому діяв мовний загін. І як показав підсумок роботи, про який було оголошено на святковому заході закриття табору,  робота нашого загону була не просто цікава, а й результативна. Загін посів перше місце серед усіх загонів табору. Чим ми займались? Читайте у ЗВІТІ далі.


St Patrick’s Day

Every year on March 17, the Irish and the Irish-at-heart across the globe observe St. Patrick’s Day. What began as a religious feast day for the patron saint of Ireland has become an international festival celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.


День Соборності України . Ukrainian Unity Day in Ukraine

Ukraine’s Unity Day marks the anniversary of the unification of eastern and western Ukraine in 1919. It is celebrated on January 22 every year.

When is the Day of Unity of Ukraine (Den Sobornosti) Celebrated?
The unification of Ukraine was sealed with the Unification Act on January 22, 1919.
The Ukrainian People’s Republic and the West Ukrainian People’s Republic decided to unite with the agreement. Since the agreement at St Sophia Square in Kiev each year on January 22, the unification is celebrated and the Day of Unity of Ukraine is also a state holiday. 


Happy Teacher's Day!

Dear colleagues!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day! Wish you reasonably challenging students, practical worksheets and relevant payment for all your efforts.

The best teachers teach from the heart, not from the book. ~Author Unknown
Happy Teacher's Day!

Teacher's Day in Ukraine

Teacher's Day in Ukraine

Teacher’s Day in Ukraine is celebrated on the first Sunday in October each year. This observance is held in appreciation of teachers and other workers in the education sector across the country.
Teachers play an important role in many students' lives.

What do people do?

Many Ukrainians celebrate Teacher’s Day with a range of activities, such as concerts, presentation of flower bouquets, and public speeches addressed in recognition of teachers and educational workers.

Public life

Teacher’s Day is an observance and not a national public holiday in Ukraine.


International Day of Peace


The United Nations' (UN) International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21 each year to recognize the efforts of those who have worked hard to end conflict and promote peace. The International Day of Peace is also a day of ceasefire – personal or political.
We also celebrated this Day at our school because PEACE is the first thing which we, Ukrainians , need now. You're welcome to watch a short clip and see what we've done: 


International Literacy Day at our school 08.09.2015

      Whether it’s reading or writing, literacy is an outlet to an untouchable world – your imagination. Not only is literacy a basic human right, it is a fundamental building block for learning as well as a personal empowerment tool. It is the catalyst for social and global progress.

On September 8th, 2015, we showed  the world the importance of literacy by celebrating International Literacy Day.

International Literacy Day gives children and communities a chance to rediscover the joys of learning, reading and wtiting  while raising awareness for those even without access to education.

You can see some pictures from our celebration
International Literacy Day. Міжнародний День грамотності. 08.09.2015

Important days and dates for the 2015/2016 school year

Just leaving it here.
I'm sure you'll need it in your work during the whole shool year.



International Literacy Day

ABC ... It's easy as 123!
So why can't 1 in 5 people
read or write?
International Literacy Day
8 September 2015

International Literacy Day 2015 is celebrated at Tuesday, on 8th of September.
International Literacy Day History
The International Literacy Day was decided by the UNESCO at 7th of November in the year 1965 to celebrate it at 8th of September every year which was celebrated first time in the year 1966. It was started celebrating all over the world to emphasize the great importance of the literacy to the individuals, society and communities. The day is celebrated specially to rememorize the status of the literacy and adult education to the international community.

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